Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Rusty Young, George Grantham, Timothy Schmidt, Rich Furay, And Jim Messina

We all know that the Buffalo Springfield was primarily a rock and roll band. We also know that under that rock and roll surface was a country rock band waiting to be born.The raw talent in the Springfield was to hard to contain in that framework, We know that Neil Young went solo. Stephen Stills laid the the groundwork with Crosby and Nash. So in pickin' up the pieces of the collapse of their band Richie Furay and Jim Messina went out and formed their own band ...POGO.. That name lasted a couple of weeks before they were given a court order by the cartoonist of that well known strip to cease and desist on the name. No problem change the G to a C and
40 years later they remain legends in the country rock realm .POCO lives today. This band over it's history and personnel changes has given the country rock genre a legendary status.

The songs
1. Hurry Up
2. You Better Think Twice
3. Honky Tonk Downstairs
4. Keep On Believin'
5. Anyway Bye Bye
6. Don't Let It Pass By
7. Nobody's Fool/El Tonto De Nadie, Regresa

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