Monday, December 7, 2009



A mass quanity of all things amazing concentrated in one person, place, or thing.
"It's so... just... I can't describe this. It is too good to be true, too amazing to be real... It's... Quah."

Last we gave you a case of a friend based LP that failed. This one is different. Jorma and his friend Tom Hobson release the criticlly aclaimed QUAH. Jorma Kaukonen's first solo album remains one of the crowning achievements in his distinguished musical career. First released in 1974, Quah drew on the same folk and blues influences that powered his Hot Tuna project, but did so with a gentler, more delicate touch. Produced by his Hot Tuna partner Jack Casady, the album mostly features just Jorma and his deft fingerpicking, although three songs feature tasteful string-section overdubs. The opening "Genesis," a poignant ode to his failing marriage (recorded on Valentine's Day), is perhaps his most touching original composition, while another original, "Flying Clouds," is a graceful melody as far from acid rock as one can imagine. There are also two uplifting covers of his biggest influence, Rev. Gary Davis. Originally, Quah was supposed to be a full collaboration with Tom Hobson, whom Jorma describes as a "quirky roots performer." Hobson was apparently too quirky for the suits at RCA, since only two of his contributions survived the original cut; though always considered a bit odd by Jorma fans, Hobson's songs have over time acquired a certain review


  1. wow thanks a lot deja!

  2. I see you have decorated for the Holidays lol. Cute hehe. Have a good one!

    Ron from the Psychedelic Lion
