Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I am going to feature John Cipollina for the next week or so. Going to post a few different musical selections that John was a part of either as a main player or as a sideman. John played with so many different friends and faces so I thought that would be a great theme to work with for a while. I rank John as my personal favorite guitar player and never get tired of hearing him. So let's see where we can go from here and give John a listen.

During his career John Cipollina played with many bands and was a founding member of Quicksilver Messenger Service

Quicksilver Messenger Service (1965-1975)
Copperhead (1971-1973)
Man (1975)
Terry & the Pirates (1973-1989)
Raven (1975-1976)
Freelight (1977-1979)
Novato Frank Band (1977-1978)
Rocky Sullivan (1978-1979)
San Francisco All Stars (1979-1984)
Thunder & Lightning/Nicksilver (1977-1989)
Dinosaurs (1982-1989)
Zero (1984-1988)
Fish & Chip (1982-1989)
Problem Child (1986-1989)

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