Thursday, November 18, 2010


An interesting side project with Mickey Hart and the band Particle teaming to form The Hydra Project. The sound byte sample is a little lengthy but it best serves to give you a feel of this combination of percussion and electronics
This union marks the first time Hart has joined an existing act to create a new unit. Of the venture he explains, "Hydra is about extreme music. Extreme music for extreme people. I need it!" Equally as excited about the collaboration, the members of Particle declare, "Hydra's sound is a departure from anything we've ever done before. It's a whole new breed of sonic exploration." Concertgoers can expect to hear original material such as "Heart Of The Hydra," "Creature of Comfort" and "The Glow" as well as a sampling of Particle songs, and a dose from Hart's catalogue, including the possibility of fresh takes on Grateful Dead classics.

In speaking with Hart and Darren Pujalet( Particle drummer), one theme seemed to reoccur throughout our conversations. Both men kept coming back to this notion of "taking people away" or finding the "spiritual" aspect of music. That intense experience which, if you've ever had it, can cause a shift in your life. As Hart explains, "It's such a powerful, magical, life-giving experience, you swim upstream underwater to get it - you do anything to get it. And then when you get it, you don't wanna let it go. But you have to go to sleep and the music has to stop and then you just pray you can get it again the next day." Or as Pujalet expresses, "I think music is an escape, a place where you can kind of see your own soul without the everyday attachments. And I think the zones we are getting into are really deep, and the space you are talking about is what is going to allow our audience to actually get there." Perhaps this is the tie that binds this whole thing together. This "life-giving experience" or this "zone" seems to be at the core of Hydra, and in turn at the center of what both Particle and Mickey Hart strive to achieve in their other projects. Sure, it doesn't always get there, but for anyone familiar with the Grateful Dead circa 1967 - 1985 or Particle's all-night marathon sessions, there is something that links these bands in their ability to "take us away."

Set One:
Stellar Particles>
A Fine Open Cluster>
Ed + Molly

Set Two:
The Glow>
Fire On The Mountain>
Luminiferous Ether
Creature Of Comfort>
The Beginning Of Time

Heart Of The Hydra