Friday, December 10, 2010


If Quicksilver being driven by Dino is your cup of tea then this one is for you. There are many who thought that Dino's obsession with HIS band was a reason for their demise. The different versions are each great in their own way. If you listen closely to Dino's comments at the start of the"SenorBlues" track you will get the feeling that by the time of this recording that he was in full command.He states.... " I get the feeling that if I didn't say anything we would go on playing these fucking gigs the same old fucking way"
One of the first studio sessions by Quicksilver's then new line-up of Dino Valente (vocals), John Cipollina (guitar), David Freiberg (bass & vocals), Greg Elmore (drums), with the British session pianist Nicky Hopkins. Mainly acoustic, it took place in Corte Madera, California in late 1969/early 1970.The sound and mixes are excellent. The songs are often spontaneous, spare and unfinished in places and were likely intended as references for later development by the group. The downside to this piece of work is one can feel the old QMS being slowly suffocated out of existence.

1. Senor Blues
2. Subway
3. I Know You Rider #1
4. I Know You Rider #2
5. Walk In Jerusalem
6. Castles In the Sand
7. May You Never Be Alone
8. Warm Red Wine
9. Look Over Yonder Wall/State Farm
10. Wake Up, Dead Man (Part 1)
11. Wake Up, Dead Man (Part 2)
12. The Fool


  1. Thanks for Dino QMS, it is best period of the band!!!!

  2. Dino is God....if anyone says otherwise they're just jealous
