Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Robert Markley was a bizarre and eccentric musician of the 1960s who formed the West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band in Los Angeles in 1966 with guitarists Shaun Harris and Dan Harris, and help from Kim Fowley. Following a collection of covers titled Volume One (Fifo, 1966), the psychedelic music of their second album, Part One (Reprise, 1967 ), fragile and dreamy, had little in common with the bands of their era (Shifting Sands). The third album would be released only 24 years later, as The Legendary Unreleased Album (Raspberry, 1980).

The following album Breaking Through Volume 2 (Reprise, 1967) was less successful in recreating that surreal atmosphere, despite the lengthy Smell Of Incense and the Fugs-ian satire of Suppose They Give Us A War And Nobody Comes. The first two official album are summarized on Transparent Day (Edsel, 1986).

The band released A Child's Guide To Good & Evil (Reprise, 1968), which increased the similarities with the Fugs, both in terms of agit-prop satire (Until The Poorest People Have Money To Spend, A Child Of A Few Hours Is Burning To Death) and in terms of bizarre collage techniques (Anniversary Of World War 3, with proto-glitch music), Where's My Daddy (Amos, 1969) and Markley A Group before disappearing.

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