Wednesday, August 28, 2013

 This past March this blog turned five years old. During this time the site has been shutdown three times by the blogger staff' There have been just over 1,000 posts for yours and my enjoyment. I enjoy creating the artwork for the posts that I put up. I do hope that the people who visit get some enjoyment from the shared material. I have accumulated over 50,000 music files from the artists that I feature. I try to repost or update materials as best as possible. Do not feel neglected if I do not get to a request as quickly as possible. The material posted is from bootleg sources or out of print selections. I have noticed in the past couple of months that my visitors are declining. This is probably normal because I do have a special interest in music from artists who are not mainstream or had a limited career. I will update older posts on the left column of the site . Since Megaupload's demise I have been using Mirrorcreator and it is not nearly as efficient as Mega was and I do wish there were not so many pop up windows on the link sites. But as it is that is the best that I can come up with and I will not use a premium(paid) site.
  Next week I will celebrate my 64th birthday and will continue this blog as health and time permit. Once again I thank those that communicate with me and wish I had some more dialogue with others. Thanks


Anonymous said...

I, like you am also 63 years old - so I, like you, also heard most of and saw many of the acts you have so lovingly have compiled here - I thank you for helping to rekindle memories of magical music past - happy birthday ...

Anonymous said...

WOW, five GREAT years. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Post when you feel like it, don't make this too much work.I just celebrated my 65th birthday and 41st anniversary. I wish you a very happy birthday.

Bob W.

david said...

thanks for all your efforts, particularly with The Fish and The Grape. Your work is much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry too much about the seeming silence from out here - we're all here, sharing your generosity and enjoying the music. Thank you. keep on keeping on!

larry said...

I´m a few years younger and grew up in NYC. These are rare findings for me- I enjoy particularly the Airplane and Quicksilver- but I do kick back to the Grape and Country Joe once in a while.
Thanks for putting them out there.

Anonymous said...

I think it's good that the site is quite tightly focused - each site should have its own specialist identity - over the last few years whenever I feel like checking out some rare Frisco / West Coast I know and can drop by here and find something interesting. And still enjoying stuff from that Grunt Records thread from a year or so back. Keep up the good work! HJ

propylaen2001 said...

Well, I'm a bit late in finding out about your birthday. Nevertheless I hope you had a good one. Let me also use the occasion to thank you for a load of great postings here. I especially enjoyed filling some gaps in my QMS and Cipo collections, and some others too. Always great to come back here and check your latest activities. Thanks again for all your efforts, keep 'em coming...
Oh, by the way: What about some Marshall Tucker?
Greetz, Joerg

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sometimes there are gaps between my visits, but I always enjoy them and appreciate all of the time and effort that you put in. Don't think that we're not paying attention!

Anonymous said...

Close to 60...but have always enjoyed the music on your site..keep on truckin'!!

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