The absolute winner of the Basic Garage Mechanics series is the all time classic HEY JOE
This song has been recorded by hundreds of artists snd every garage band had this one in their repertoire this song has been arranged in many different variations and styles,
"Hey Joe" is an American popular song from the 1960s that has become a
rock standard and as such has been performed in many musical styles by
hundreds of different artists since it was first written. "HeyJoe" tells the story of a man who is on the run and planning to head to Mexico after shooting his wife. However, diverse credits and claims
have led to confusion as to the song's true authorship and genesisThe earliest known commercial recording of the song is the late-1965 single by the Los Angeles garage band The Leaves; the band then re-recorded the track and released it in 1966 as a follow-up single which
became a hit. Currently, the best-known version is The Jimi Hendrix Experience's 1966 recording, their debut single.
The song title is sometimes given as "Hey Joe, Where You Gonna Go?" or similar variations.
While claimed by the late Tim Rose to be a traditional song, or often
erroneously attributed to the pen of American musician Dino Valenti (who
also went by the names Chester or Chet Powers, and Jesse Farrow), "Hey Joe" was registered for copyright in the U.S. in 1962 by Billy Roberts.
Scottish folk singer Len Partridge has claimed that he helped write the
song with Roberts when they both performed in clubs in Edinburgh in
1956. Other sources (including singer Pat Craig), claim that Roberts
assigned the rights to the song to his friend Valenti while Valenti was
in jail, in order to give him some income upon release.Roberts was a relatively obscure California-based folk singer, guitarist and harmonica player who performed on the West Coast coffeehouse circuit.
01 leaves
02 jimi hendrix
03 surfaris
04 tim rose
05 love
06 byrds
07 stillroven
08 cryan' shames
09 music machine
10 yuya uchida
11 johnny rivers
12 tangets
13 roks
14 deep purple
15 jelly bean bandits
16 soulbenders
17 os baobas
18 marmalade
19 gants
20 pied pipers
21 standells
22 enemys
23 buckwheat zydeco
24 dukes of hamburg
you do it again, many thanks
Looking forward to this one ... I was 15 when a local L.A. band, the Leaves, released their 45 of this tune: it made a huge impact. Then, a couple of years later, I saw Hendrix play it at Monterey. That was good too.
Willy Deville did a great version of Hey Joe....
Thanks for dragging me back to the sixties.
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